Thursday, September 25, 2014

Surprising Health Benefits of Steam Rooms and Saunas You'll Enjoy!

Surprising Health Benefits of Steam Rooms and Saunas You'll Enjoy!If you have have had the pleasure of enjoying a sauna or steam room, you know it’s worth every penny of investment for your health, your skin and your mental well being. At Eurospa, we design our products, like our Eucalyptus Oil Spray, to enhance your steam room and sauna experience. We believe your health and wellness should be a top priority, because you deserve to have a healthy and vibrant life.
But do you know the benefits of steam rooms and saunas?
The benefits of saunas and steam baths are widely reported. Heat therapy helps to relieve stress and improve health overall. Perspiration stimulates circulation, sooths tired muscles, reduces nervous tension, and promotes healthier and more beautiful skin. You’ll probably get a better night’s sleep, too.
Here are some other benefits to sauna bathing:
  • Gives a cardiovascular workout and helps condition the heart by increasing heart rate and improving circulation. Better circulation allows more oxygen to reach injured areas of the body and helps reduce pain and speed up the healing process.
  • Soothes and relaxes tired muscles, especially before and after exercise. Heat therapy loosens the muscles and relaxes the body. Many massage therapists use heat to provide more thorough and effective treatment.
  • Cleanses skin: Sweating opens pores in the skin and flushes unhealthy toxins, loosens and expels dead cells, softens the skin and clears the complexion. The result: a more beautiful you.
  • The body eliminates most toxins naturally by sweating and heat therapy speeds up this natural process. Heat therapy stimulates the sweat glands, helping to cleanse and detoxify the body of sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and carcinogenic heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc, nickel). Excess moisture and subcutaneous fat can be reduced, as well.
  • May help to relieve allergies and sinus congestion.
  • During a 10-20 minute sauna session, your heart rate increases by 50-75%. This provides the same metabolic result as physical exercise. Combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, sauna bathing can burn as many as 300 calories during each session, which is equal to running 2-3 miles and taking a brisk walk. There is a slight effect on blood pressure because the heat also causes blood vessels to expand, thus accommodating increased blood flow.
We are happy that you are taking the time to invest in your health, because you deserve it. Please, feel free to stop by and see what further products and services we have to offer. Have a beautiful day!

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