Thursday, February 27, 2014

Natural Home Remedies to Ease Menstrual Pain

The pain that comes with menstruation can be so ridiculously debilitating that women often end up missing work or social activities and must resign themselves to lying miserably in bed, wishing for a way to surgically remove their insides.  Sounds like a morbid exaggeration, but the truth is, this is an all too common reality for so many women. 

So it's no surprise that when that time of the month rolls around, women sometimes feel the need to wear a neon sign that reads, 'approach with caution'.   Being a woman myself, I entirely agree.  It's an under-recognized time of both pain and cleansing that we are expected to experience while just getting on with life.


Well, because we can!  We do!!  However, that doesn't lessen the pain or the frustration that accompanies it.  And who really wants to resort to popping pain killers every three hours?

I believe that our reproductive systems and overall health are requesting (begging) for a better way.

So, I have compiled a small yet helpful list of natural home remedies to ease that pesky menstrual pain.

Hot shower.  
Not just any hot shower.  Turn up the heat as much as you can stand it.  Let the steam add up.  While you're at it, spray some of Eurospa's Eucalyptus Shower Spray into the steam.  The cleansing nature of the oil will be heightened in the stream and permeate your bronchial passages, resulting in relaxation and a further detoxified system.   Make sure that while you allow the hot water to really fall on your lower back.  This will relax those aching muscles and give you the chance to, at the same time, massage your lower belly which actually makes the process of 'release' more efficient!  Who wouldn't want that?

Just like I mentioned above, you can also do a similar massage while laying down.  I suggest getting some massage oil.  A warming oil would be great, but if you only have a regular base, try adding some other essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus and cinnamon to the massage.  Lavender will relax and calm you, the cinnamon aids in circulation (bringing comfort) and the eucalyptus is actually a very good topical anti-inflammatory.  I did this step recently and slept so much better that night.

Hot Water Bottles.  
Yep, I mean the same kind you may (or may not) remember your grandparents using for their back pain. They may seem old-fashioned, but they really, truly help warm and relax the muscles in your lower abdomen. They are an affordable and worthy investment that will bring you relief month after month.  GO get one. 

Just Say NO to Caffeine.  
Don't freak out... I know it’s an intimidating thought, but eliminating caffeine from your diet could help alleviate a large amount of menstrual pain. Caffeine constricts your blood levels and raises tension: so when you’re suffering from cramps, you want to get the opposite happening. Additionally, caffeine dehydrates you, causing the cleanse to be a slower process. Drinking water and herbal tea instead will not only keep your flow hydrated, but will also help relieve bloating that may occur during your period. 

I'm not saying this will make your reproductive pain disappear all together, but I do believe you will feel more alive and able to function more comfortably and happily. 

It's a part of life, but it doesn't need to control it. 

At Eurospa, we enjoy bringing more quality to your life!  Stop by and see what we can do to better your health and daily living!

by:  Navae Fiona

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